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Chemical Revolution: Chemistry Skill and Lithium-开源项目...
来自 : CSDN技术社区 发布时间:2021-03-24

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\"weixin_39745724\" weixin_39745724 2021-01-12 02:12 首页 开源项目 Chemical Revolution: Chemistry Skill and Lithium Summary
SUMMARY: Content Separate Chemistry from Cooking and add Lithium reaction recipes 
Purpose of change

To start the expansion of chemistry in Cataclysm.

Describe the solution

As the base of any and all Chemical Revolution PRs I make, I separated the cooking skill into cooking and chemistry and plan to add lithium and lithium reactions as the first step.

Describe alternatives you ve considered

For the skill separation? Proficiencies as mentioned in the Practice makes Perfect project. For the lithium stuff? I dunno.


Find lithium in labs, on scientists, etc. Make chemistry recipes to advance chemistry skill.

Additional context

First part of my Chemical Revolution series of PRs.

该提问来源于开源项目 CleverRaven/Cataclysm-DDA

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\"weixin_39871649\" weixin_39871649 2月前

Feel free to reopen if you want working on it again.

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\"weixin_39745724\" weixin_39745724 2月前

Lol i just put out my extracts and concentrates data the other day. whenever this gets added ill have to go and change the skill requirements for all the recipes for it

If your PRs get merged first, I ll make sure to make a new PR to take your changes into account.

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\"weixin_39745724\" weixin_39745724 2月前

For personal reference after I return on Sunday:Search through the recipes for tools that lean towards a chemistry focus to apply the chemistry skill to it if necessary.

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\"weixin_39987120\" weixin_39987120 2月前

Lol i just put out my extracts and concentrates data the other day. whenever this gets added ill have to go and change the skill requirements for all the recipes for it

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本文链接: http://askichemical.immuno-online.com/view-698879.html

发布于 : 2021-03-24 阅读(0)
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